Effect of pump tube on the performance of peristaltic pump
2021-08-09 15:45:30

  The hose is the core component of the work of the peristaltic pump and one of its important consumables.Hoses are mainly used to pump liquids, gases, or liquid-gas-solid mixtures.Generally speaking, in addition to the extrusion friction between the pump head and the hose, the factors that affect the service life of the peristaltic pump are the compression method, the compression strength, the number of compressions, and the thermal fatigue and wear caused by repeated use. These reasons all affect the service life of the pump tube.

Effect of pump tube on the performance of peristaltic pump

  The inner and outer diameter dimensions of the peristaltic pump hose also have a great impact on the operation of the fluid pumping system, that is, the peristaltic pump.The inner diameter determines the amount of fluid pumped by the rotor per revolution, while the wall thickness determines the ability of the pump tube to return to its original shape after each rolling.This is also one of the factors affecting its service life, so in order to save the cost of use, it is necessary to choose a suitable peristaltic pump hose.